The remote learning experience while very challenging has taught us a lot. We have been blown away by the quality and quantity of learning that has been happening. Learners have been reading, writing and solving problems everyday and having access to technology has facilitated communication between teachers, students and families.
We also believe this experience brings to our attention how important it is that we are preparing our students with the skills they need to navigate the complex, uncertain and technology rich world of the future. It has been fantastic that so many of our learners have access to devices. We believe there are parts of the remote learning experience that we can use to further strengthen the learning we are doing here at school. We also want to continually share the learning we do at school with home.
With all of this in mind, if your child owns a device, we want to encourage you to allow them to bring their device to school. This will support the work we do at school and put us in a great position to deliver outstanding educational outcomes. While most of our daily tasks will be performed without the use of the device, having access to their own device will allow your child to build a digital portfolio of their learning, watch teacher-made instructional videos, develop important multi-media and communication skills and better prepare them for the future.
Each classroom has secure device storage so you can be assured that devices will be stored securely. All devices can remain locked away safely when not in use, including recess and lunch breaks,