Dear Families,
Health and safety are still high on our agenda. Heaps of cleaning, hand hygiene and much discussion are all part of our daily routines. There is no change to the social distancing of adults and the exclusion of parents on the school site. Thanks for abiding by this and being so understanding. our children are amazing and have become so independent.
Our children commented that they missed playtime and their friends most during Remote Learning. The social aspect of school life is so important. We want to ensure that all children have fun at school as well as learn heaps. Our play space is large and we are always looking at ways to improve it to enhance social and learning experiences.
The Junior playground is now open after being creatively resurfaced. It is being explored by many. The boat in the sand pit is a hit! We are grateful that we will not need to contend with mud and dirt any more. Another exciting addition to play equipment for our children are some hills and a climb through pipe near our adjoining two ovals. These are also proving to be popular as our children explore and engage in make believe play. Fun Run money raised over the past couple of years has contributed to these new developments in our playground. Thank you to our families for supporting this.
Collecting Children
If you need to collect your child early from school please phone the office, they will contact your child’s teacher and arrange for them to be at the office.
Fund Raising Pie Drive order forms will be sent home next week. I am sure you will all enjoy a pie for an easy dinner during the winter months. Orders close on 30 July
Reports Our Semester One reports will be available at the end of next week. Due to Remote Learning these reports will be of a general nature only. We have had close contact with many families during home learning. We are certainly open to any questions or concerns via phone or email.
Some Reminders
26/06/2020 End of Term 2 Dismissal is 2:30 pm
13/07/2020 Term 3 commences
14/07/2020 School Photographs
30/07/2020 Pie drive orders due
Kind regards Denise